Sunday, August 16, 2009

Testing 123

Hello all,
I'm going to update this blog as often as I can with pictures and stories from my adventures in Africa this coming semester! Please check it as often or seldom as you see fit, and make sure to write back and let me know how things are going in your lives.
I leave for Dakar, Senegal from Washington D.C. on August 30, so expect the action packed tales of lion hunts and desert wanderings to start then.
For now I'll say Adieu, and start practicing the useful Wolof phrases in my summer reading packet : Ponkal, na nga def? ("Hey fatso, how are you?")


  1. ah yes, a common greeting, or so i hear. hehehehehehe.

  2. Mo,
    I am really going to enjoy reading this blog. I already had a few French chuckles and am expecting many more. Have a wonderful time and keep on writing. Love, Natalee(your aunt-in-law.
